The New Sephardic Foundation on Aging
For the past 60 years, we’ve been committed to supporting and caring for our older Jewish neighbors so they can continue to live a fulfilling and dignified life. As many of you know, we got our start as a community nursing home for New York’s Sephardic Jewish community. In 2015, a new chapter in our history began when we shifted our resources from a physical nursing home to a foundation.
Over the past year, we’ve turned inward to reflect on our values and aspirations as a foundation. A central part of that work has included rethinking our brand. Partnering with social impact branding agency, Constructive, we revisited everything from our name and visual identity to our website.
We let the inclusive, vibrant, and community-focused spirit of the Sephardic Home guide our efforts throughout the rebranding process. Our name changed from “The Sephardic Home for the Aged Foundation” to the simpler and more inclusive “Sephardic Foundation on Aging.” Referring to older communities as “aged” makes them appear separate from the rest of society, and goes against our values as a foundation to be open and inclusive. We developed a new mission and vision statement, and updated our values so they reflect our commitment to Jewish tradition—while still looking ahead to the future.
Our new logo is a fresh take on a familiar Sephardic symbol—the handshake. We were inspired to update this tradition and add an element of uniqueness to the mark by incorporating a heart shape, referencing our history as a community care provider. Our new website features a detailed history page that emphasizes the importance of our origins to our current identity.
We’re excited and proud to share our new brand, and believe it will serve as a strong foundation pushing us to continue helping our older neighbors thrive for generations to come. We thank you for your continued support and trust.