We’re proud to support our partners working to advance our priorities in communities around the world. Here’s just a selection of their important efforts:
Adopt-A-Safta pairs young Israelis with Holocaust survivors. The young volunteers "adopt" a grandmother or grandfather in Israel in need of companionship.
Our Work Together
Project: General Operating Support
Our funding helps Adopt-A-Safta train volunteers and connect the two communities they serve—young adults seeking to make meaningful contributions, and survivors in need of connection.
The Jewish Home & Rehab Center, on the San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living, serves older people who struggle with severe medical, cognitive, and financial challenges. Their approach emphasizes inclusion, community, and Jewish values.
Our Work Together
Project: L’Dor VaDor Intergenerational Program
Our partnership enabled the establishment of L’dor VaDor, a series of intergenerational activities, that engages campus residents and young people from the surrounding communities.
Sephardic Bikur Holim (SBH) has provided services to the Sephardic Jewish population in Brooklyn, NY for 40+ years. They work with a network of volunteers and professionals to respond to community needs and help those in crisis.
Our Work Together
Project: Captains Program
The Captains Program is a formal training program that pairs volunteers with older adults to help them address their emotional, social, and physical needs. Captains receive full support from SBH, and become their partner’s lifeline to SBH and its resources, services, and opportunities.
If you’re pursuing innovative work in the field of aging, we would love to hear from you. Review our requirements for prospective grantees.
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